Monday, July 1, 2013

Somewhere Between the Hippie Movement and Now

For over 20 years I've been interested in the environment, my family's health, and organic foods. 

Before there were blogging platforms and bloggers, I used to set up personal websites to talk about the dangers of chemicals and additives in our everyday lives; ways to avoid them in our homes, our beauty products, and our foods.

It used to seem like an underground movement that only a few knew or cared about. Fortunately, magazines like E The Environmental Magazine and Mother Earth News were on my library's shelves before the internet became my prime destination for information.

On one hand I am excited about the current GREEN movement that has made healthy, organic products more widespread and available.  On the other hand, I've witnessed many people being confused and skeptical about organic foods. They think it might be a fad or an advertising gimmick.  Main stream media and women's magazines have muddied the issue even further by not fully addressing product safety, probably because they do not want to lose their advertisers -- big name cleaning products, cosmetics, processed foods, and more.

"I can't afford organic food," is something I've heard from family and friends who earn much higher incomes than my husband and I.  My personal belief is that I am making an investment in my health and that of my family.  I have a very tight budget, am not a talented cook, and have little time to spend in the kitchen; but over the years I have learned how to make easy, frugal, organic meals and keep chemicals/additives out of the lives of my family. 

This blog is a place to chronicle my strategies and recipes and to share them with others!

Photo Credit:  Annika Banfield, Sweden